Skyward Bound: A Journey Through RCAF History From WWII To Today

In Collaboration with the Moose Jaw Public Library and 15 Wing Moose Jaw

Presented in Recognition of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s Centennial Anniversary in 2024. April 1, 2024 marked 100 years of service for the Royal Canadian Air Force as a distinct military element.

Exhibition Overview

Embarking on a journey of tension, hope, and transformation, this exhibition delves into the rich tapestry of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) through various materials, each offering a unique perspective. At its core are four distinct uniform sets spanning pivotal periods of the twentieth century, prompting reflection on how military attire, insignia, and entertainment mediums collectively reflect Canada's socio-cultural evolution during wartime (1940s), the postwar era (1950s), the modern era (1960s), and the contemporary era (1980s and beyond).

Skyward Bound: A Journey through RCAF History from WWII to Today invites viewers to immerse themselves as time travelers, exploring narratives drawn from the collections of the Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery, the Moose Jaw Public Library and 15 Wing Moose Jaw. These narratives shed light on significant events in RCAF history that resonate with the people of Moose Jaw, including the wartime publication Prairie Flyer, the royal visit of the Duke of Kent, and the iconic show 'The Friendly Shake' from the 1950s. Visitors are prompted to engage in a journey of discovery through wartime publications, Air Force hymns, and comedy shows sponsored by the RCAF.

For many RCAF veterans, a fascination with flight and the heroic tales of aerial combat shaped their formative years. Drawing on the recollections of donors who learned invaluable lessons of survival from WWII and Korean War veterans, this exhibition celebrates the enduring bond between generations of individuals who have served in the RCAF, an intangible heritage cherished by the community of Moose Jaw. In paying tribute to the brave men and women of the RCAF who have selflessly defended Canada at home and abroad over the past century, this exhibition is a testament to their unwavering dedication and sacrifice.